2001-2005 上海交通大学博士
1998-2001 吉林工业大学硕士
1993-1997 吉林工业大学学士
2012-至今 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 博士生导师
2017-至今 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 教授
2014-2015 日本京都大学微加工研究室 访问学者
2008-2017 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 副教授
2005-2007 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 讲师
2017-2020 国家自然科学基金面上项目“叠层薄板结构电阻点焊动态传热机理及其尺度效应研究”,负责人
2013-2016 国家自然科学基金面上项目“层叠式锂电池制造中金属极片的伺服超声波微焊接机理研究”,负责人
2010-2012 国家自然科学基金青年项目“可控电极力对高强钢胶焊熔核形成过程的影响机理研究”,负责人
2018-2010 美国福特汽车公司URP项目,“Resistance spot welding of 3D-printed steel components”,负责人
2014-2017 美国福特汽车公司URP项目,“Resistance spot welding of UHSS”,负责人
2011-2013 上海市青年科技启明星计划项目“锂电池制造的多层超薄金属极片超声波焊接机理研究”,负责人
2009-2011 上海汽车工业科技发展基金“伺服焊枪电阻点焊工艺优化与质量控制技术”,负责人
2010-2011 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室开放基金“韧性胶层在胶焊过程中的流动规律与传热行为研究”,负责人
2012-2014 GM-SJTU Collaborative Research Project"Joining of Electrical Steels in motor manufacuturing", 技术负责人
2010-2013 GM-SJTU Collaborative Research Project"Resistance Welding of Ultra-thin Sheet Steel", 技术负责人
2008-2011 GM-SJTU Collaborative Research Project"Weld-bonding of Multi-Stackup Workpieces", 技术负责人
2007-2009 GM-SJTU Collaborative Research Project"Weldbonding of AHSS using Servo Gun", 技术负责人
2004-2007 美国通用汽车R&D合作项目“On-line Weld Quality Inspection for Spot Welding using Servo Gun", 技术负责人
1.Wang, HZ; Zhang, YS*; Lai, XM. Effects of interfaces on heat transfer
in laser welding of electrical steel laminations, International Journal
of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 90, pp. 665-677
2.Chen KK, Zhang YS*. Mechanical analysis of ultrasonic welding
considering knurl pattern of sonotrode tip, Materials & Design,
2015, 87, pp. 393-404
3.Chen KK, Zhang YS*. Numerical analysis of temperature distribution
during ultrasonic welding process for dissimilar automotive alloys,
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2015, 20 (6), pp. 522-531
4.Wang, HZ; Zhang, YS*; Lai, XM. A model for the torsion strength of a
laser-welded stator, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015,
223, pp. 319-327
5.Zhang YS*, Sun HT, PC Wang, and Chen GL. Improvement of Process
Robustness in Weld Bonding of Galvanized DP780 Steel, Welding Journal,
6.Zhao YY, Zhang YS*, Lai XM and Wang PC. Effect of Inserted Strips on
Electrode Degradation in Resistance Spot Welding, Welding Journal,
7.Zhang YS*, Shen J, Zhao YY, PC Wang, and Blair Carlson. Effect of
adhesive characteristics on the weld quality in weld-bonding of multiple
steel sheets, Welding Journal, 2013,92(12):363s-374s
8.Zhao YY, Zhang YS*, Lai XM and Wang PC. Resistance Spot Welding of
Ultra-Thin Automotive Steel, ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing
Science and Engineering, 2013, 135(2), 021012-1-10
9.Zhao YY, Zhang YS* and Hu W. Effect of welding speed on
microstructure, hardness and tensile properties in laser welding of
advanced high strength steel, Science and Technology of Welding and
Joining, 2013, 18 (7), pp. 581-590
10.Zhao YY, Li D and Zhang YS*. Effect of welding energy on interface
zone of Al‐Cu ultrasonic welded joint, Science and Technology of Welding
and Joining, 2013, 18 (4), pp. 354-360
11.Zhao YY, Zhang YS*, Hu W and Lai XM. Optimization of Laser Welding
Thin-gage Galvanized Steel via Response Surface Methodology, Optics and
Lasers in Engineering, 2012,50(9):1267-1273
12.Shen J, Zhang YS*, Lai XM and Wang PC. Adhesive placement in
weld-bonding of multiple stacks of steel sheets, Welding Journal.
13.Zhang YS*, Shen J, and Lai XM. Influence of electrode force on weld
expulsion in resistance spot welding of dual phase steel with initial
gap using simulation and experimental method, ISIJ International.
14.Shen J, Zhang YS*, Lai XM and Wang PC. Modeling of Resistance Spot
Welding of Multiple Stacks of Steel Sheets, Materials and Design, 2011,
32(2): 550-560. .
15.Zhang YS*, Shen J, Wang PC. Visualization of Nugget Formation in
Resistance Spot Welding of Multi-stackup Sheets, Transactions of JWRI,
16.Shen J, Zhang YS*, Lai XM. Influence of initial gap on weld expulsion
in resistance spot welding of dual phase steel, Science and Technology
of Welding and Joining,2010, 15 (5), pp. 386-392
17.Yang HJ, Zhang YS*, Lai XM, Shen J, Zhao X, Wang PC. Method for
repairing of adhesive-bonded steel, Materials and
18.Zhang YS*, Sun HT, Chen GL, Lai, XM. Comparison of mechanical
properties and microstructure of weld nugget between weld-bonded and
spot-welded dual-phase steel, Proceedings of the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2009, v
223(10) ,pp.1341-1350
19.Wang H, Zhang YS*, Chen GL. Resistance spot welding processing
monitoring based on electrode displacement curve using moving range
chart, Measurement, 2009, V42(7) : 1032-1038
20.Zhang XY, Chen GL, Zhang YS*, Lai XM, Improvement of Resistance Spot
Weldability for Dual-Phase (DP600) Steels Using Servo Gun, Journal of
Materials Processing Technology, 2009, V209(5) : 2671-2675
21.Zhang YS*, Xu J, Lai XM, Chen GL. Numerical simulation of spot
welding for galvanised sheet steels, Science and Technology of Welding
and Joining, 2008, V13(2) : 192-198
22.Sun HT, Lai XM, Zhang YS*, Shen J. Effect of variable electrode force
on weld quality in resistance spot welding, Science and Technology of
Welding & Joining, 2007,V12(8): 688-694
23.Zhang YS, Wang H, Chen GL, Zhang XQ. Monitoring and intelligent
control of electrode wear based on a measured electrode displacement
curve in resistance spot welding, Measurement Science & Technology,
2007,18 (3): 867-876
24.Zhang YS, Zhang XY, Lai XM, Chen GL. Online quality inspection of resistance spot welded joint based on electrode indentation using servo gun, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2007, 12(5): 449-454
1. 课程名称: 工程材料 授课对象:本科生 学时数:51 学分:3
2. 课程名称: 材料与成型工艺基础 授课对象:本科生 学时数:54 学分:3
3. 课程名称: 制造工艺I 授课对象:本科生 学时数:64 学分:4
1. Method and apparatus for inspecting adhesive quality (美国发明专利,授权号:8,878,093)
2. Online weld inspection and repair method for resistance welding and weld-bonding (美国发明专利,授权号:8,803,024)
3. Resistance welding with minimized weld expulsion(美国发明专利,授权号:9579744)
4. Welding System(美国发明专利,公开号:20110284501)
5. Decision method for dressing of welding electrodes(美国发明专利,公开号:20080237303)
6. 基于伺服焊枪点焊的电极修磨在线判别方法(中国发明专利,授权号:ZL200610027972.5)
7. 分布式焊点质量监控系统及方法(中国发明专利,授权号:ZL200810032744.6)
1. 2012年-,美国焊接学会,会员
2. 2013年-,美国TMS学会,会员
3. 2013年-,美国IEEE学会,会员
4. 2012年-,国家自然基金委工材学部通讯评议人
5. 2010年-,国际期刊Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ASME), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Measurement Science and Technology, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Optics & Laser Technology, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Materials & Design等审稿人
2012 上海交通大学“最受学生欢迎的教师”
2011 上海市青年科技启明星人才计划
2011 上海交通大学优秀教师奖
2012,2009,2008 机械与动力工程学院“最受学生欢迎的教师”